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¿Hablas Español? 你会说中文吗? No problem!

(a.k.a. Babel Fish mode)

Alemba Service Manager now supports full translation of the self-service portal into any language.

The new multi-lingual feature is perfect for global service desk teams who need to support customers in multiple languages.

Multi Language Login Screen

Key Features

Translate labels in the self-service portal into any language.

Your customers can interact with the self-service interface in the language of their choice.

  • Supports text input in the user’s native language.
  • Translate search results and call descriptions into any language.


Dynamic translation of content.

For example, when logging a call on the self-service portal:

  • The user enters the call description in Japanese on the self-service portal.
  • It appears in English to the analyst in Alemba Service Manager Core.
  • The analyst then types an action into the call in English.
  • When the user views this action in the self-service portal it will appear in Japanese.


Translation of incoming and outgoing emails.

Emails are dynamically translated into the user’s preferred language. For example:

  • A user logs a new call by email in the self-service portal. The email is written in Japanese.
  • The assigned analyst receives the email translated into English.
  • The analyst replies to the email in English.
  • The user will receive the response email translated into Japanese.



Established in 1883, The Kroger Co. is one of the largest general retailers in the United States.

Liverpool City Council


Liverpool City Council is the governing body for the city of Liverpool in Merseyside, England. It consists of 90 councillors, three for each of the city's 30 wards.

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